Website Hosting.
Domain Registration.
Simple Site Design.

All Host, No Hype.

Tired of searching through all the outrageous claims and over-hyped promises of other hosting companies?  Let Sanshype Web Hosting fill your need for solid, reliable Hosting without the unnecessary HYPE. 

Who We Are:

We're the guys who get you and/or your business online. We can get you a simple web page to act as an online business card 24 hours a day, 7-days a week.  Or, we can just get you set up with an account and let you do your own thing. We provide the hosting service, you provide the content. Simple.

Who You Are:

  • You don't want any more false claims and misleading prices. You want honest, fair pricing for a solid, reliable service.
  • You know how to do your own thing. You don't want your hand held. You just want your hosting space ready and then for us to get out of your way.
  • You aren't hosting illegal content, you will abide by our standard terms, and you will do your best to make our relationship mutually beneficial..
sans: [sænz]
an archaic word for without, lacking
[from Old French sanz, from Latin sine without, but probably also influenced by Latin absentiā in the absence of].

1. Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion
2. Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material
3. An advertising or promotional ploy
4. Something deliberately misleading; a deception